Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!


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Setting up a Wedding Budget can be stressful, and if your budget is on the conservative side, you may be wondering how to get the most from your money and how to successfully negotiate prices with your wedding budget. Luckily, with a little creativity and practicality, you can have your dream wedding without overspending.  Here’s a few quick tips on how to get the most from your wedding budget: [ez-toc]Increase Your Wedding Budget When deciding on your wedding budget, and particularly for the reception, we advise making tiered lists.  Tier 1 should...

Do you dream of hosting a luxury wedding, but fear that it is not a financial possibility for you and your fiancé? Fear not! Here at The Bella Sera Event Center, a local wedding venue in Denver, Colorado, we’ve spent years perfecting the art of hosting spectacular events that leave your guests in awe, all while helping you maintain your overall wedding budget. With a little ingenuity and a firm grip on your top priorities, you can create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests without investing beyond your means. We’ve got...

      We get it… Planning a wedding is hard.  It’s full of complex decision and every details impacts the event.  Are guests going to be able to come? Is the event space going to work?  What's the theme? so on, and so forth! We, also, know that the first and biggest challenge of planning a wedding is "Choosing the Date"! If you’re reading this, you probably haven’t landed on a date and are exploring your options.  Well, you’re in luck.  We want to chat with you a little bit about the “forgotten months”...

With springtime in the air, we at the Bella Sera thought that it would be fun to share a springtime cocktail that is the epitome of all things spring!  In the spirit of springtime, we wanted to share one of our favorite Cocktail recipes with you! Springtime Signature Cocktail for your Wedding Originally named, The Garden Party cocktail this is a refreshing drink that we've conveniently called our "We're Mint to Be" cocktail. 4-5 fresh mint leaves ½ oz. fresh lime juice ¼ oz. simple syrup (1:1) 1½ oz. green Chartreuse 2½ oz. club soda Tools: muddler, shaker,...

One of the biggest things our clients tell us is that they want a unique and beautiful wedding cake.  They have spent hours planning their perfect day, organizing guests lists, and ordering invites – The last step?  Designing their wedding cake!  Brides want the wedding cake to fit their theme, but also fit the season of their wedding month! To help you in your designing process, we’ve laid out 13 (because a baker’s dozen!) unique wedding cakes that tie perfectly to your wedding month! A Wedding Cake for Every Month: January - New...

In a previous blog post we gave The Unity Candle Ceremony its time in the spotlight, now we want to share some details on another type of unity ceremony, “The Sand Ceremony".  An equally beautiful element to incorporate into your wedding ceremony timeline, the Sand Ceremony offers thoughtful and meaningful symbolism. The Sand Ceremony consists of a unity vessel and two or more bottles of colored sand. Sometime after the formal vows, the bride and groom take turns pouring their chosen color of sand into the vessel.  When couples are blending...

An unplugged wedding, what a simplistic, charming and novel concept. But in the day and age of guests armed with cell phones and iPads that can’t wait to share your special moments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat almost simultaneously as you are saying your ‘I do’s’, an unplugged wedding is a very rare occurrence.  However, the rarity of unplugged weddings doesn’t take away from the importance of the idea. Taking the time to unplug, be present and actually connect with the wedding experience is important and as a couple, it is...

There are many types of unity rituals that can be part of a wedding ceremony; each one is beautiful and meaningful in its own way. At the Bella Sera we have seen many types of ceremonies, Sand Ceremonies, Hand Fastening, a Love Letter Box, a Fisherman’s Knot, a Salt Covenant, a Unity Candle and many others that were very unique and charming just like our couples! This week we wanted to shed some light on the significance of the Unity Candle Ceremony. The Unity Candle Ceremony involves two taper candles and...

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