Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!


Bella Sera / Weddings

Setting up a Wedding Budget can be stressful, and if your budget is on the conservative side, you may be wondering how to get the most from your money and how to successfully negotiate prices with your wedding budget. Luckily, with a little creativity and practicality, you can have your dream wedding without overspending.  Here’s a few quick tips on how to get the most from your wedding budget: [ez-toc]Increase Your Wedding Budget When deciding on your wedding budget, and particularly for the reception, we advise making tiered lists.  Tier 1 should...

The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Checklist . . You won’t forget ANYTHING with this comprehensive checklist!   Keep this valuable checklist in your wedding binder, check off items and tasks as you've completed them or omit items you don't want to include. Created by our wedding pros as a helpful tool to minimize the stress brides often feel when planning their wedding because they didn't have a thorough checklist for their ceremony. You're guaranteed to eliminate hours of stress trying to remember every little detail for your ceremony, as well as improving the quality of your ceremony...

[ez-toc]A Denver Wedding Venue you Must See! There are so many Denver Wedding Venues to choose from, but you need to check out the All-inclusive Wedding Venue we chose. “The competition didn’t even come close,” Rebecca shares with us.  “While other venues have beautiful buildings and would have been great for some photos, the amenities and care we experienced at the Bella Sera were miles ahead of the experiences we had at the other venues - and that was just while touring!” Read What Bride Rebecca Had to Say about The Bella...

Let's incorporate your siblings in your wedding day! If you're planning your wedding, and want to include as many of your siblings in your wedding as possible, we understand how challenging it can be when you also have a lot of friends. Including siblings in unique and memorable ways at your wedding can make the day even more special. Between finding the perfect venue and choosing flowers for the bridal party bouquets, the amount of decisions that need to be made can be overwhelming.   This is why we'd like...

♥ Incorporating Creative Wedding Toast Ideas at The Begin Your Dinner Reception Incorporating a creative wedding toast into your celebration to kick off the dinner reception is always a hit with guests, and something newlyweds will remember forever as they listen to all of the love and affection from their friends and family. Bridesmaids singing a song, groomsmen doing a dance, the best man sharing funny stories, all of these ideas really mean so much to the couple and give the guests a more enjoyable experience. Over the years we have enjoyed many...

With springtime in the air, we at the Bella Sera thought that it would be fun to share a springtime cocktail that is the epitome of all things spring!  In the spirit of springtime, we wanted to share one of our favorite Cocktail recipes with you! Springtime Signature Cocktail for your Wedding Originally named, The Garden Party cocktail this is a refreshing drink that we've conveniently called our "We're Mint to Be" cocktail. 4-5 fresh mint leaves ½ oz. fresh lime juice ¼ oz. simple syrup (1:1) 1½ oz. green Chartreuse 2½ oz. club soda Tools: muddler, shaker,...

Wedding Cake Traditions The Wedding Cake is the one menu item your guests can’t wait to taste! Besides the tradition and symbolism of the bride and groom cutting the wedding cake, there's also the important details to decide such as the design and shape of the cake, the flavors, and which of the Top 20 Songs to play for the cake cutting ceremony. Hopefully you'll gather some good tips from this post. At Bella Sera our design team believes the wedding cake is the main focal point and centerpiece of the reception. The...

  Planning a Mexican-American Wedding?  Wanting to know what to expect as a guest?  This guide will help you navigate all your needs!  Mexican culture weaves a beautiful depth to the fabric of America, and their celebrations are no exception. The traditions that are common in Mexican-American Weddings bring together some of the best things in life -- including music, family, delicious food, drinks, and dancing.  The Music Music is important to any celebration!  While DJs and bands are traditional at American weddings, Mariachi bands are often present at Mexican-American weddings and...

One of the biggest things our clients tell us is that they want a unique and beautiful wedding cake.  They have spent hours planning their perfect day, organizing guests lists, and ordering invites – The last step?  Designing their wedding cake!  Brides want the wedding cake to fit their theme, but also fit the season of their wedding month! To help you in your designing process, we’ve laid out 13 (because a baker’s dozen!) unique wedding cakes that tie perfectly to your wedding month! A Wedding Cake for Every Month: January - New...

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