Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!

Something Different

Bella Sera / Something Different

Setting up a Wedding Budget can be stressful, and if your budget is on the conservative side, you may be wondering how to get the most from your money and how to successfully negotiate prices with your wedding budget. Luckily, with a little creativity and practicality, you can have your dream wedding without overspending.  Here’s a few quick tips on how to get the most from your wedding budget: [ez-toc]Increase Your Wedding Budget When deciding on your wedding budget, and particularly for the reception, we advise making tiered lists.  Tier 1 should...

[ez-toc]A Denver Wedding Venue you Must See! There are so many Denver Wedding Venues to choose from, but you need to check out the All-inclusive Wedding Venue we chose. “The competition didn’t even come close,” Rebecca shares with us.  “While other venues have beautiful buildings and would have been great for some photos, the amenities and care we experienced at the Bella Sera were miles ahead of the experiences we had at the other venues - and that was just while touring!” Read What Bride Rebecca Had to Say about The Bella...

Creating a slideshow for your wedding is still one of the most memorable moments of your reception! Planning on your reception being memorable and special? Of course you are!  But, the details and planning of how the guests will experience it brings up many questions and is vital to the overall success of the day. If they arrive before cocktail hour, what will they do?  What will they do during the down time before the arrival of the wedding party? How can you share memories of yourselves with new family...

Colored lighting in your wedding reception is a versatile tool that can be used creatively to enhance the ambiance, evoke emotions, and transform the atmosphere of any room or space. There is no doubt that colored lighting enhances your wedding reception ambiance, and we'll share why below. Choosing colors is always a fun step in planning your wedding, but deciding how that will look in the final product can be intimidating. Before incorporate lighting, determine if your tables will have a bold linen color or be more neutral in tone, what...

In a previous blog post we gave The Unity Candle Ceremony its time in the spotlight, now we want to share some details on another type of unity ceremony, “The Sand Ceremony".  An equally beautiful element to incorporate into your wedding ceremony timeline, the Sand Ceremony offers thoughtful and meaningful symbolism. The Sand Ceremony consists of a unity vessel and two or more bottles of colored sand. Sometime after the formal vows, the bride and groom take turns pouring their chosen color of sand into the vessel.  When couples are blending...

An unplugged wedding, what a simplistic, charming and novel concept. But in the day and age of guests armed with cell phones and iPads that can’t wait to share your special moments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat almost simultaneously as you are saying your ‘I do’s’, an unplugged wedding is a very rare occurrence.  However, the rarity of unplugged weddings doesn’t take away from the importance of the idea. Taking the time to unplug, be present and actually connect with the wedding experience is important and as a couple, it is...

If you ask me, it’s hard not to feel inspired by the holiday season! Even though I love summertime, winter and holiday inspired weddings make my heart sing. There is just something about the sparkle of an icy blue winter wonderland wedding and the shimmer silver and gold that will leave you breathless. [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3468"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3485,3484,3482"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3486,3483"] I think that when you take your wedding day, one of the happiest days of your life and let the Bella Sera designers help you feel inspired by the most wonderful time...

A hanging wedding cake is the Bella Sera’s latest twist on a tradition that is part of nearly every wedding celebration. The design team at the Bella Sera is always finding new ways to amaze our couples and delight their guests! [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3343,3344"] After a bit of brainstorming, the Bella Sera design team decided to get to work and not long after a beautifully decorated table was suspended from our high ceilings. Shortly after its installation, the hanging cake table was put to the test with a four-foot tall cake as its...

It took over a year to plan, teams of wedding professionals and a handful of special effects to produce, but the dream wedding that Mekella had envisioned, became a reality. When Mekella came to Elisabeth Montoya, lead wedding designer at The  Bella Sera, she had a good idea of what she wanted. She wanted a hip, modern, romantic wedding celebration. Most of all, she wanted to amaze her guests. Over the next year, Elisabeth and Mekella spent countless hours pouring over choices and exploring options until, indeed, they had planned Mekella’s...

Many brides are looking for a soft, romantic look for such an important day. The designers at The Bella Sera know exactly how to use the soft shades of classic blush and peach to create the perfect romantic wedding. They start with a soft pastel palette in the palest pink and lightest peach. Next they add light touches of shimmer and a tiny bit of bling. Then they fill the space with the delicate glow of candlelight. Next they wash the walls with rich seductive specialty lighting  and then they finish...

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