Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!

Wedding Ceremony Tag

Bella Sera / Posts tagged "Wedding Ceremony"

The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Checklist . . You won’t forget ANYTHING with this comprehensive checklist!   Keep this valuable checklist in your wedding binder, check off items and tasks as you've completed them or omit items you don't want to include. Created by our wedding pros as a helpful tool to minimize the stress brides often feel when planning their wedding because they didn't have a thorough checklist for their ceremony. You're guaranteed to eliminate hours of stress trying to remember every little detail for your ceremony, as well as improving the quality of your ceremony...

Deciding to have an adult only wedding or wedding reception can be a sensitive topic, and for some couples there are advantages and disadvantages to each choice. Whether the decision not to have children at your wedding ceremony and/or reception is made based on budgetary reasons or simply a personal preference, either choice is perfectly acceptable. The trick is how you communicate this to family and friends, and how you deal with some of the consequences! A great place to start is by talking to your immediate family members and wedding...

There are many types of unity rituals that can be part of a wedding ceremony; each one is beautiful and meaningful in its own way. At the Bella Sera we have seen many types of ceremonies, Sand Ceremonies, Hand Fastening, a Love Letter Box, a Fisherman’s Knot, a Salt Covenant, a Unity Candle and many others that were very unique and charming just like our couples! This week we wanted to shed some light on the significance of the Unity Candle Ceremony. The Unity Candle Ceremony involves two taper candles and...

There are no two alike, not snowflakes, not fingerprints and certainly not weddings! Every year there are more than 2.2 million weddings across the United States and after being in business for more than ten years and hosting countless celebrations, we can confirm that there have never been two weddings that were the same. Personalizing your wedding is something we have become experts at! [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3308,3307,3313"] Every person, every couple and every family has its own unique story to tell and we feel so privileged to be a part of the...

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