Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!

Author: Elisabeth Montoya

Bella Sera / Articles posted by Elisabeth Montoya (Page 3)

From simple to stunning, our cake designers can create the most delicious and beautiful wedding cake for your wedding. Whether it’s a grand cake we spotlight for you on our hanging cake table, or a simple 3 tier cake beautifully displayed on a 4 foot table, we believe your cake should always be a focal point of your reception. Check out a few of our cake photos from the gallery below. More Bella Wedding Cakes photos to come!   [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4133,4131,4135,4153,4152,4148"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4139,4138"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4134,4137,4132"]    ...

Deciding to have an adult only wedding or wedding reception can be a sensitive topic, and for some couples there are advantages and disadvantages to each choice. Whether the decision not to have children at your wedding ceremony and/or reception is made based on budgetary reasons or simply a personal preference, either choice is perfectly acceptable. The trick is how you communicate this to family and friends, and how you deal with some of the consequences! A great place to start is by talking to your immediate family members and wedding...

The Bella Sera's Smoking Dry Ice Wedding Toast is a bubbling hit! A wedding toast is typically one of the most fun moments of the night! It is a special moment full of laughter and tears! The Bella Sera has created a unique spin on the traditional champagne toast by incorporating signature dry ice smoking cocktails! The Bella Sera Bar has a unique system that mixes your choice of specialty cocktail and a dry ice snow to create a ‘smoking’ beverage with a definite wow factor for all of your guests and...

At the Bella Sera, we are lucky enough to get to celebrate true love, every single day! Valentine's Day is the one day a year when people around the world celebrate with us! As the second most popular day of the year to get engaged Valentine’s Day radiates romance! It is an equally special day for a wedding ceremony! Using the theme of Valentine’s Day as inspiration for a wedding is always something that our designers at the Bella Sera truly enjoy! In honor of Valentine’s Day this year, we have...

Bella Sera Creates Magical Weddings with a Wall of Fog. It’s the “experience” that matters most! The bride and groom, and their guests will remember what they experienced far more than what they saw or heard at their wedding. It’s hard at the beginning of the planning stages for a couple to imagine how everything is going to come together on their wedding day. What’s even more challenging is how to ensure the guest experience is incredible, and everyone has a great time and will remember it forever, Every couple wants to be a...

We recently received the honor of becoming a Diamond Member on ,as well as the Couples Choice Award for the 5th year in a row from We couldn’t be more thankful for each of these awards! We are so very luck to have amazing couples, families & staff members that make all of this possible! To us, the true value of each of these awards is that it is a reflection of the values we have to create extraordinary celebrations for each and every couple. We take so much pride in doing what...

This is one of the most exciting times in a girl's life, when she gets engaged. It's definitely the same for the groom, but us girls like to tell the world when we get engaged! So why is the engagement ring so symbolic? When worn, this ring indicates that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, especially in Western cultures. Depending on the culture, the woman wears the engagement ring or both the woman and the man wear an engagement ring. [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3668,3651"] Engagement rings come in a variety...

Shannon and Dennis 11-1-14 The Wedding Style - 1940's Old Hollywood Glam  We had so much fun designing this wedding with Shannon and Dennis for their November 1st, 2014 celebration. The bride Shannon has always been enamored by the 1940's Old Hollywood Glam style, and she wanted to play that up for their wedding. [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3594"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="3633,3626,3596,3597,3598"] She carried this look all the way through her gorgeous gown, her accessories, and definitely with the decor. They wanted the ceremony and the venue to reflect a vintage elegance, but wanted the reception to be full...

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