Metro Denver’s wedding and celebration venue of choice!

Bella Blog

Bella Sera / Bella Blog (Page 3)

Everyone Wants to Have a Fun Wedding Having fun doesn't mean it has to be a drunk fest or everyone getting out of hand at your wedding. However, fun doesn't just magically happen because you hire a DJ either. Here are some tried and true ways The Bella Sera Event Center has helped our couples create fun elements throughout their celebrations. 1) Put yourself in your guests shoes.  Wedding celebrations run for many hours; think about what you yourself think is fun to do. What does it take to create the type of fun...

It’s the lasts that you long for, and remember…The Last Dance The anticipation and expectation of events for your wedding, and all that will happen that evening, is something only the bride and groom really understand. There is so much focus on choosing the perfect music for your wedding from the first dance, to the father daughter dance, mother son dance and the "party" music. However, couples seldom think about the evening coming to an end, and what about a "last dance"? What song should be chosen for the last dance? Will...

From simple to stunning, our cake designers can create the most delicious and beautiful wedding cake for your wedding. Whether it’s a grand cake we spotlight for you on our hanging cake table, or a simple 3 tier cake beautifully displayed on a 4 foot table, we believe your cake should always be a focal point of your reception. Check out a few of our cake photos from the gallery below. More Bella Wedding Cakes photos to come!   [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4133,4131,4135,4153,4152,4148"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4139,4138"] [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4134,4137,4132"]    ...

Deciding to have an adult only wedding or wedding reception can be a sensitive topic, and for some couples there are advantages and disadvantages to each choice. Whether the decision not to have children at your wedding ceremony and/or reception is made based on budgetary reasons or simply a personal preference, either choice is perfectly acceptable. The trick is how you communicate this to family and friends, and how you deal with some of the consequences! A great place to start is by talking to your immediate family members and wedding...

In a previous blog post we gave The Unity Candle Ceremony its time in the spotlight, now we want to share some details on another type of unity ceremony, “The Sand Ceremony".  An equally beautiful element to incorporate into your wedding ceremony timeline, the Sand Ceremony offers thoughtful and meaningful symbolism. The Sand Ceremony consists of a unity vessel and two or more bottles of colored sand. Sometime after the formal vows, the bride and groom take turns pouring their chosen color of sand into the vessel.  When couples are blending...

An unplugged wedding, what a simplistic, charming and novel concept. But in the day and age of guests armed with cell phones and iPads that can’t wait to share your special moments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat almost simultaneously as you are saying your ‘I do’s’, an unplugged wedding is a very rare occurrence.  However, the rarity of unplugged weddings doesn’t take away from the importance of the idea. Taking the time to unplug, be present and actually connect with the wedding experience is important and as a couple, it is...

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4006"] With springtime in the air, we at the Bella Sera thought that it would be fun to share a springtime cocktail that is the epitome of all things spring! While traveling around Italy this past year, gaining inspiration from every breathtaking view, beautiful flower and amazing piece of architecture, we came across an Italian aperitif that we just haven’t been able to forget! In the spirit of springtime, we wanted to share one of our favorite Cocktail recipes with you! Perfectly named, The Garden Party cocktail is a...

There are many types of unity rituals that can be part of a wedding ceremony; each one is beautiful and meaningful in its own way. At the Bella Sera we have seen many types of ceremonies, Sand Ceremonies, Hand Fastening, a Love Letter Box, a Fisherman’s Knot, a Salt Covenant, a Unity Candle and many others that were very unique and charming just like our couples! This week we wanted to shed some light on the significance of the Unity Candle Ceremony. The Unity Candle Ceremony involves two taper candles and...

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe!" This Old English rhyme is a wedding day tradition dating all the way back to the early 1800’s. Each item in this rhyme represents a token of luck for the bride to be, all of which are personal mementos with close ties to the bride’s heart. A special piece of borrowed jewelry, a locket with an old photo, a new pair of shoes, the possibilities are endless. Picking out these wedding day accessories is a...

Equally as sweet as the Mother-Son dance is the Father-Daughter dance and if the father-daughter dance is done right, there won't be a dry eye in the house when it's over! Its hard to top the moment when your dad walks you down the aisle and gives you away during your wedding ceremony, but with the right song, you just might be able to! The options for Father-Daughter dance songs are just about endless. It can be a song that has a sweet sentiment, meaningful lyrics or just a song that...

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